Sunday, November 14, 2010

The (almost) Perfect Class

     English is usually one of my least favorite subjects, mostly the writing part, but so far this year I like my American Lit class. The journal entries that Mr. McCarthy starts every class with are always interesting and they make you think. Even though I usually don't write as much as people around me, because I'm a slow writer, it's still good practice. I think I've also learned to appreciate literature more; or at least try to. The blog topics are like the journals: they're interesting and make you think. By writing my blog and reading other peoples' blogs I learn interesting and useful things. For example in the modern slavery blog someone wrote about how some companies, like Nike, use cheap sweatshop labor. Because of this blog I can be aware of what I would really be supporting if I bought Nike products. Last, I really like independent reading days. I know that every thursday when I come into class I can just relax and read a book I'm interested in.
     One change for the class would be to make notes on the reading optional. Taking notes while reading makes it seem like more of a chore than it should be. It doesn't help me very much because I'm good at remembering what I read. Also, if I could just sit down and read, no notes, I think I could enjoy the book more.

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