Saturday, February 19, 2011

Propaganda All Around

    Most people don't realize that propaganda is all around us. It might not be in the classic form of Uncle Sam, but it's there. If you turn on the tv, use the web, or maybe even just walk down the street, you'll probably see it. The most common form of propaganda today would be advertisements. They promise you something that will make you happier, cooler, skinnier, or they just bend the truth to make something look better than it is. Maybe they give you the idea that you NEED something, for example a new cell phone or a laptop. Verizon has the slogan "new every two"- a new phone every two years. This is extremely wasteful and unnecessary, but people are made to believe that they need the newest, best technology, even if its almost the same as what they're replacing.
    The media is another big source of propaganda, because they're the only ones that control what they report. Stations like Fox News use bias or even create rumors to promote their conservative views. But the rest of the media can be just as bad. The Iraq war has been said to be under-reported and facts are changed or left out to make a positive image of the U.S.  All this propaganda is wrong, especially in a country like the U.S. where the people deserve to know what is really happening.

1 comment:

  1. Media, media, media. Everything is about selling and the media is its accomplice.
