Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life on the Reservation

     Today, Native Americans are stereotyped as being drunks and lazy; but alcoholism is actually a big problem on reservations throughout the country, as is depression and poverty. But this really isn't their fault. Before the arrival of Europeans, Native Americans had rich cultures and unique ways of life, living in harmony with nature and the land. Then they suffered a blow that they still haven't recovered from. Around 90% of the native population died of European diseases because they had no immunity to them. Settlers also used force to take over the land, which resulted in more deaths. As Native Americans were pushed farther and farther from the land they had lived on for generations, many ended up in areas completely foreign to them or were brought there by force. With much smaller populations, new land, and living in an industrial European society, they couldn't carry on their old ways of life. So it would seem good that they were given there own land where they could do what they want, right? Not really. Most of them still had no good way to make a living. The land of the reservations was usually unwanted by anyone else; it wasn't good for farming, or for much else. So it's understandable that Native Americans have so many problems today. Hopefully over time their communities will grow stronger and they'll be able to lead better lives.

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